17 Relaxing Things To Do Before Bed (Besides Scrolling Social Media)

Indulge in a calming pre-sleep routine by trading screen time for serene activities. Let 17 relaxing pursuits guide you toward a peaceful slumber, guaranteeing restful nights and invigorated mornings. Drift into tranquility, escaping the digital world’s grasp to unlock a rejuvenating sleep experience.

Take a Warm Bath or Shower

Take a Warm Bath or Shower

As you wind down before bed, consider indulging in a relaxing soak or invigorating shower. This gentle transition signals to your body that it’s time to unwind and relax. By doing so, you’re essentially giving yourself permission to slow down and let go of the stresses of the day. It’s an opportunity to retreat into your own tranquil space, free from distractions, and drift off to sleep feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Read a Book

Read a Book

As the warmth of the bathwater starts to dissipate, there’s no better way to unwind than by immersing yourself in a captivating story. Whether it’s a thrilling mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat or an educational read that broadens your horizons, getting lost in a good book is the perfect way to round out your bedtime routine.

Picture this: you’re snuggled up with a steaming cup of tea, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm ambiance as the words on the page transport you to another world. As the night wears on and the stress of the day melts away, it’s the perfect recipe for a restful night’s sleep.

Listen to Calming Music

Listen to Calming Music

As the night approaches, let the soothing sounds of calming music envelop you. Mellow beats or the gentle patter of rain can work wonders in setting a tranquil atmosphere that signals your body to prepare for a restful slumber. Allow yourself to exhale deeply, release any lingering stress and anxiety, and let your mind drift effortlessly into a peaceful dreamscape.

Do Light Stretching or Yoga

Do Light Stretching or Yoga

As the sun sets and the evening unwinds, why not take a moment to unwind with some relaxing stretches or gentle yoga poses? Let’s start by reaching for the stars, literally. Reach up high and shake off the stresses of the day, feeling your shoulders release and your mind clear. Next, bend down and try to touch those toes – it’s a great way to loosen up that back and get the blood flowing. Finally, ease into some gentle yoga moves, focusing on deep breaths and letting go of any tension.

Allow yourself to relax and recharge for the night ahead.

Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

As the day unwinds, why not take a moment to unwind with some simple deep breathing exercises? Start by taking slow, deliberate breaths in through your nose, filling your lungs with air as if you’re savoring your favorite aroma. Hold for a brief pause, and then exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension or stress like blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. Repeat this process a few times, allowing yourself to settle into a state of calm and relaxation.



As you settle into a comfortable position, take a moment to relax and unwind. Allow yourself to completely let go of any tension or stress. Start by taking slow, deliberate breaths, focusing on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body. As you inhale, imagine fresh, calming energy entering your being, and as you exhale, envision any worries or concerns leaving your mind.

Visualize yourself surrounded by serene natural beauty – a tranquil lake shimmering in the sunlight, its gentle ripples mirroring the peacefulness within. Alternatively, picture a vibrant meadow, teeming with life, where flowers sway softly in the breeze, their colors bursting forth like a symphony of serenity. Allow these calming scenes to transport you to a state of deep relaxation, and let the tranquility seep into your very being.

Write in A Journal

Write in A Journal

Have you ever indulged in a pre-sleep confessional with your journal? It’s as if your brain is performing a mental detox. By pouring out your emotions and thoughts onto the page, you’re effectively clearing your mind, making way for a peaceful slumber. And let’s not forget the added bonus – it’s a space where you can be completely honest with yourself, without fear of judgment or criticism.

Dim the Lights and Light a Candle

Dim the Lights and Light a Candle

As you settle into your day journaling, create an ambiance that invites relaxation by softly dimming the lights and illuminating a candle. The soft glow is like a gentle cue to your brain, signaling it’s time to unwind.

Observe the way the flame dances, creating a miniature warmth that envelops the room, much like a fireplace on a chilly evening. And don’t overlook the aromatic benefits – the scented air wraps you in a sense of coziness, akin to receiving a warm hug.

Meanwhile, the shadows cast on the walls seem to whisper reassuringly, ‘All is well, take your time.’

Give Yourself a Hand or Foot Massage

Give Yourself a Hand or Foot Massage

As you prepare for a restful night’s sleep, indulge in a calming and rejuvenating self-care ritual – a hand or foot massage. Start by gently massaging each finger or toe with slow, deliberate circular motions. To take it to the next level of relaxation, apply a rich lotion or oil to leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and utterly serene. This simple yet effective technique is the perfect way to unwind and ease yourself into a peaceful slumber.

Spend Time with A Pet

Spend Time with A Pet

Indulge in a relaxing bedtime ritual with your furry friend. Snuggle up close, basking in the warmth of their body and soothing sounds of their gentle purrs or breathing. This intimate connection can be incredibly rejuvenating. To add some playful fun to the evening, try engaging in a low-key game of fetch or chase. The joy and energy you share will create a sense of camaraderie and leave you both feeling content.

Alternatively, take a leisurely evening stroll together, savoring the fresh air and each other’s company. This gentle exercise can help clear your minds and promote a sense of well-being, making it an excellent way to unwind before bed.

Do a Simple Skincare Routine

Do a Simple Skincare Routine

Before drifting off to dreamland, carve out some relaxation time by pampering yourself. Begin by gently cleansing your face with a soft cleanser, taking care to remove any dirt or impurities that may have accumulated throughout the day. Next, apply a rich moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and supple. Don’t forget to treat your lips and eyes to some extra TLC – a swipe of lip balm and a dollop of eye cream can make all the difference in leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Enjoy a Cup of Herbal Tea

Enjoy a Cup of Herbal Tea

As the clock strikes bedtime, there’s no better way to unwind than with a soothing cup of herbal tea. Imagine yourself wrapped in a cozy blanket, surrounded by the gentle warmth and soft light emanating from your steaming cup. It’s the epitome of relaxation.
Breathe in deeply, allowing the calming aroma of chamomile or lavender to wash over you. In this moment, all is right with the world.

With each sip, you’re transported to a tranquil oasis, far removed from the stresses and chaos of your daily routine. So, let’s indulge in a little pre-bedtime pampering and get ready to drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Diffuse Essential Oils

Diffuse Essential Oils

Indulge in the soothing ambiance of herbal tea while elevating your relaxation game by infusing your space with calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile through your diffuser. As the tranquil aroma fills the air, get ready to unwind and surrender to a state of tranquility, making it easy to drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

As you prepare for a restful night’s sleep, take a moment to unwind with progressive muscle relaxation. This calming technique allows you to release tension from head to toe, creating the perfect atmosphere for drifting off into dreamland. Start by tensing and relaxing your facial muscles – scrunch up your face, hold for a brief moment, then let it naturally fall back into its relaxed state. You should already be feeling a sense of calm wash over you.

Next, work on releasing any physical tension in your upper body. Tense your shoulders, arms, and hands, then deliberately release the strain, allowing yourself to feel heavier and more relaxed with each passing moment. As you continue this process, make your way down through your entire body, squeezing and releasing each muscle group in turn. With each contraction and subsequent release, you’ll find yourself letting go of any lingering stress or anxiety.

By the time you’ve worked your way through all of your major muscle groups, you should be feeling deeply relaxed and at peace – the perfect setting for a restful night’s sleep.

Put on Comfortable Pajamas

Put on Comfortable Pajamas

Slip into the ultimate relaxation mode by donning your most comfortable pajamas. The gentle caress of soft, roomy fabrics against your skin sends a clear signal to your body that it’s time to unwind and drift off to dreamland. Opt for breathable materials like cotton or silk, which will ensure you’re wrapped in a snug blanket of comfort throughout the night.

Visualize a Peaceful Scene

Visualize a Peaceful Scene

As you step outside, let the gentle caress of the breeze rustle the leaves, causing trees to sway in a rhythmic motion, as if they’re harmonizing with the soothing melody of nature. Meanwhile, the soft gurgling of the stream creates a calming ambiance, akin to having a whispered conversation with old friends. And above it all, the moon’s soft luminescence casts an ethereal glow on everything, serving as a gentle nightlight that envelops you in serenity.

Listen to A Sleep Story or Guided Relaxation

Listen to A Sleep Story or Guided Relaxation

Wrap yourself in a sense of tranquility as you drift off into a peaceful slumber. Our carefully crafted sleep stories or guided meditations will envelop your mind in a calming atmosphere, effortlessly erasing the stresses of the day and inviting sweet dreams to take hold.

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