How To Limit Apps To Specific Times of the Day on Samsung Galaxy Phones

We are constantly connected to our phones.

Although this connectivity provides many benefits, it can also lead to distractions and overuse of certain apps.

Setting limits on how much time you spend in apps can help you stay focused and productive throughout the day.

Samsung Galaxy phones come with a useful feature called App Timers that allows you to set time limits for individual apps.

Once an app hits its daily limit, it will be locked for the rest of the day so you can’t access it anymore. This is a great way to curb mindless browsing and stay on task.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to set app timers on your Samsung Galaxy phone to limit app usage to certain times of day.

Whether you want to avoid distractions during work hours or prevent late night social media use, app timers make it easy to take control of your digital habits.

Check Supported Models

First things first – make sure your Samsung Galaxy phone supports the App Timers feature.

App Timers are available on Galaxy devices running Android 9.0 Pie or higher. This includes popular models like the Galaxy S10, S10+, S10e, Note 10/10+, S20 series, and many others.

To check what Android version you have:

  1. Go to Settings > About Phone.
  2. Look at the number under Android Version.

If it’s Android 9 or higher, your phone can use App Timers. The instructions in this guide will work.

Enable App Timers

First you need to turn on the App Timers feature so you can start using it. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap on Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls.
  3. Enable the toggle for App Timers.

App Timers are now enabled on your device. You can start setting limits for individual apps.

Set Time Limit for an App

Now we’ll walk through how to set a time limit for a specific app on your Samsung Galaxy phone:

  1. From Settings, tap on Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls.
  2. Tap App Timers.
  3. Tap the plus icon to add an app.
  4. Select the app you want to limit.
  5. Tap Time limit to set the amount per day.
  6. Drag the circle on the timeline to set which times of day this app can be used.
  7. Tap Set when finished.

The app will now be limited to that time frame each day. When the time limit is up, the app’s icon will be grayed out and you won’t be able to open it until the next day.

Set Schedule for Off-Hours

You can also schedule “off hours” when certain apps are always locked out. For example, setting work hours as off hours will block distracting apps during the workday.

To set up off-hour schedules:

  1. From App Timers, tap the menu button.
  2. Tap Schedules
  3. Tap Add new schedule.
  4. Give the schedule a name like “Work Hours.”
  5. Set the time range for the schedule.
  6. Tap Allowed apps and select which ones can be used during this schedule.
  7. Tap Save.

The selected apps will now be blocked for that schedule every day. You can create multiple schedules for different purposes.

Pause App Timer

If you go over an app’s time limit, it will get locked immediately. But you can temporarily pause the timer if you still need to use the app:

  1. Try opening the locked app.
  2. Tap Pause timer when prompted.
  3. Enter your phone passcode or scan your fingerprint to verify.

This will pause the app timer for the rest of the day. It resets the next day.

Change Time Limit

Adjusting the time limit for an app is easy to do:

  1. Go to Settings > Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls.
  2. Tap App Timers.
  3. Tap the app you want to change.
  4. Edit the Time limit and schedule.
  5. Tap Save when finished.

The updated time limit is now saved. Feel free to adjust time limits as needed to find the right balance for each app.

Disable App Timers

If you no longer want to limit app usage, you can turn off App Timers:

  1. Go to Settings > Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls.
  2. Tap App Timers.
  3. Toggle off App Timers.

All app limits will be disabled. You can toggle it back on at any time to resume limiting apps.

App Timer Notifications

When using App Timers, you’ll get notifications alerting you as time runs out for each app:

  • At 5 minutes before limit: Reminder notification
  • At 2 minutes before limit: Alert to wrap up usage
  • At time limit: App is locked

These notifications keep you aware of how much time is left. You can adjust them in Settings > Notifications.

Third-Party App Blockers

The built-in App Timers give you basic control over app limits. But if you want more robust blocking and productivity features, consider using a third-party app blocker:

  • Freedom – Blocks apps and websites across devices. Lets you schedule “focus” times.
  • Forest – Gamifies productivity by letting you grow virtual trees when avoiding phone use.
  • StayFocusd – Totally blocks access to distracting apps and sites.

These dedicated focus apps integrate closely with Android for a seamless experience. Give them a try if you need heavier restrictions on app use.

Optimize Your Digital Habits

App Timers make it quick and easy to set healthy limits on app usage throughout the day.

Just take the time to customize the schedules and find a balance that works for your habits.

Limiting distractions from your phone prevents app addiction, saves battery life, and helps you stay engaged in real life. Give the tools a try and take control of your technology instead of letting it control you.

Using Multiple App Limiting Methods

For those who want maximum control over app usage, you can combine multiple limiting methods on your Samsung Galaxy phone.

Use App Timers to set daily limits per app. Then create Schedules for blanket restrictions during certain times. You can also get a third party app blocker to reinforce the limits.

Mixing these options allows you to limit apps in different ways depending on your needs:

  • App Timers – For setting hard limits per app like 1 hour on social media.
  • Schedules – For blocking apps during set times like work hours.
  • App Blockers – For nuclear option restrictions when you really need to focus.

With some trial and error, you can find the right balance of app limiting tools to keep you focused without going overboard.

Customizing App Limits for Your Goals

App Timers aren’t one-size-fits-all. The best time limits depend on your personal goals and which apps tend to distract you.

When setting up App Timers, consider your goals and customize the limits accordingly:

  • Productivity – Limit social media apps heavily, but allow work apps freely.
  • Focus – Block the most distracting apps completely during study hours.
  • Mindfulness – Restrict all non-essential apps to 30-60 minutes total per day.
  • Bedtime – Eliminate late night app use by blocking apps after 10pm.

Check in on your goals periodically and adjust the app limits as needed. The right amounts will keep you on track without being overly restrictive.

Using App Timer Insights

The Digital Wellbeing section in Settings provides insights into how you use apps on your Samsung Galaxy phone. You can see:

  • Screen time – Total daily usage
  • Notifications received
  • Times opened per app
  • App usage compared to previous days/weeks

Review these insights about your app habits before setting timer limits. They reveal which apps demand the most attention from you.

You can then target the most distracting apps with stricter limits to reclaim your focus. The insights provide data to make informed decisions about managing app time.

Choosing “Allowed Apps” for Schedules

When creating Schedules to limit apps during certain times, carefully choose which apps remain allowed.

Consider which apps are essential to that part of your day. For example:

  • Work hours – Email, calendar, documents, music
  • School hours – Studying, reading, textbooks, calculator
  • Dinnertime – Food ordering, cooking apps, music

Aim to allow the apps that enable productivity or family time during the scheduled block. Restrict apps that could take your attention elsewhere.

Get granular if needed – block social media but allow messaging apps to stay in touch with important contacts during limited times.

Using App Blockers for Kids

App Timers and Schedules are great for limiting app time for yourself. But what about for your kids?

Parents can use the built-in Parental Controls on Samsung Galaxy phones to manage app usage for children. Just set up profiles for each kid and configure the app limits.

You can restrict:

  • Which apps kids can use
  • How long they can use each app
  • What times they can access apps

Monitor and enforce the app limits remotely through the Parental Controls app or dashboard. Work with your kids to find appropriate digital boundaries.

Balancing App Restrictions with Access

It’s all about balance when limiting apps for yourself or your family. You want enough restrictions to prevent overuse but not limit access to key apps.

When setting App Timers and Schedules, consider each person’s needs:

  • Kids need some creative play and learning apps.
  • Teens rely on social and messaging apps for connections.
  • Adults require productivity, work, finance, and news apps.

Allow at least 1-2 hours per day for essential app categories relevant to each person. Have conversations about digital wellbeing and jointly determine appropriate limits.

Gradually Reducing App Usage

Don’t shock your system by severely limiting app usage all at once. This can lead to withdrawal symptoms and difficulty adjusting.

For the best results, gradually reduce app limits over time. Start by cutting 1 hour from heavy usage categories, then incrementally tighten the limits until you reach your goals.

Likewise, incrementally expand the off-hours schedules from just nights/weekends to include more working/schooling hours over weeks and months.

Wean yourself off excessive app time slowly rather than completely restricting them all immediately. Develop sustainable habits over time.

Filling Time When Apps Are Limited

The downside of limiting app access is you may suddenly find yourself with extra free time.

Before setting strict app limits, think about what activities you will replace that screen time with. Come up with ideas:

  • Reading, writing, art
  • Exercise, sports, hobbies
  • Social activities
  • Household projects
  • Quality family time

Schedule and plan these activities in advance to fill gaps left by less app usage.

Get creative with screen-free fun and self-improvement pursuits.

Avoiding Backslide After Resetting Limits

It’s common to backslide and overuse apps again after resetting the daily timers. When limits refresh each morning, it’s tempting to fall into old habits.

Combat this by:

  • Keeping optimized Schedules in place to restrict apps during high-risk times.
  • Having alternate activities already planned.
  • Using motivation from app usage insights.
  • Committing to behavior change and your digital wellbeing goals.

The schedules and preparation will help deter you from gobbling up the newly available app time each day. Stay focused on building mindful habits.

Handling Boredom When Avoiding Apps

One struggle with limiting app time is dealing with boredom when you can’t use your phone. This feeling is normal when breaking habits.

Try these tips for handling boredom without defaulting to apps:

  • Plan activities to fill the time in advance.
  • Get moving with exercise or household tasks.
  • Socialize to connect with family or friends.
  • Learn something new through books, classes, etc.
  • Embrace the boredom and allow your mind to decompress.

Look at boredom as a gateway to creativity and self-improvement. Use it as motivation to develop new hobbies and skills beyond screen time.

Using App Blockers as a Reset

Struggling to stick to App Timers limits? A more nuclear option is using a third party app blocker app to lock yourself out completely for reset periods.

When you need a reset after overindulging in apps, try:

  • Blocking all social media for 1 week
  • Restricting entertainment streaming apps for a weekend
  • Cutting out all games for 72 hours

This full app blockade gives you no choice but to avoid those services. Reset your habits and brain patterns with a digital detox.

Phased Approach to App Limiting

For lifelong app addiction, take a phased approach to cutting back on usage:

  1. Awareness – Track usage to understand your habits.
  2. Restriction – Block problematic apps with Timers and Schedules.
  3. Replacement – Fill time with new activities.
  4. Moderation – Find balanced limits for each app.

Bringing app use to moderation takes time, self-awareness, planning, and commitment. But it pays off with big benefits to your wellbeing.

Benefits of Limited App Time

Setting healthy limits on app usage has many benefits beyond the usual productivity perks. You can gain:

  • More focused thinking and concentration
  • Stronger real world relationships
  • Improved physical and mental health
  • Higher creativity and new passions
  • Deeper sleep quality

The mind needs downtime off screens to thrive. Discover hidden benefits by cutting back excessive app time.

Forecasting Your Usage When Limiting

When determining app limits, forecast how the reduced time will add up each day and week.

Do the math: If you set a 1 hour limit on your top 3 apps, that frees up 3 hours per day, 21 hours per week.

Project what you could accomplish with an extra 21 hours each week. How you spend the reclaimed time determines your success at limiting apps.

Committing to Improvement

The ultimate key to effectively limiting apps is an honest commitment to self-improvement.

Commit to the journey of building healthy digital habits with actions like:

  • Deleting binge-triggering apps entirely
  • Not looking for workarounds when apps are limited
  • Finding accountability partners
  • Replacing app time with nourishing activities
  • Rewarding yourself for progress

Change starts from within. Apps can only be limited if you stay dedicated to personal growth.


App timers provide an easy yet effective way to take control of your digital habits on Samsung Galaxy phones.

Carefully consider your goals and which apps distract you from living intentionally. Then leverage App Timers, Schedules, and third-party blockers as needed to limit access.

Gradually reduce app usage while filling the time with more fulfilling activities. Monitor your behavior and adjust limits to find the right balance for optimal wellbeing.

With commitment and self-discipline, you can leverage the app blocking tools on your Galaxy phone to benefit all areas of life. Just remember to continue assessing your relationship with technology and making mindful adjustments over time.

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