Why isn’t my Samsung wireless charger working?

1. Incompatible or Faulty Charger

One of the most common reasons a Samsung wireless charger is not working is that it is incompatible with your device or the charger itself is faulty. Here are some things to check:

  • Make sure you are using an original Samsung wireless charger designed for your specific Samsung device. Samsung wireless chargers are not universally compatible across all Samsung devices.
  • Confirm the charger is designed for the specific charging standard supported by your device – WPC Qi wireless charging or PMA. Using the incorrect charger will prevent charging.
  • Check that the charger is still functional by trying it with another compatible Samsung device if possible. If it still doesn’t work, the unit itself may be defective.
  • Avoid using wireless chargers from other brands that are not officially supported by Samsung. Many third party chargers may claim Samsung compatibility but do not work reliably.
  • If you are charging with a stand or dock, check that the USB charging cable is properly connected if it has one.

Getting an official Samsung wireless charger designed specifically for your Samsung phone or tablet is the best way to ensure maximum compatibility and performance.

2. Debris or Foreign Objects Interfering

The wireless charging area on both the charger and your Samsung device needs to remain free of any foreign objects or debris for charging to work properly. Here is what to look out for:

  • Remove any thick phone cases before wireless charging. Thick cases can prevent close contact between your device and the charger.
  • Make sure no credit cards, coins, keys, or metals are between the charger and device.
  • Clear off any lint, dust, or dirt build up on the surface of the charger and your device’s charging area.
  • Avoid placing your device on top of gambling cards, receipts, or sticky notes during charging.
  • Don’t allow any liquids to spill on the charger surface during charging.

It only takes a very small amount of foreign material to disrupt the inductive charging between your Samsung device and a wireless charger. Keep both unit contacts clean and clear of any debris.

3. Misaligned Device on Charger

For wireless charging to work, your Samsung device needs to be precisely aligned and positioned on the charging surface. Here is how to get the alignment right:

  • Place your device directly in the center of the wireless charger’s surface and not on the edge or side.
  • Make sure the entire charging surface of your device is making full, flat contact with the charger surface.
  • Avoid any tilting, shifting or rocking of the device after placing on the charger.
  • You may need to check the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific charger model to determine proper device placement over charging coils.
  • Case-friendly chargers exist that are more forgiving of alignment, but your bare device aligned flat is ideal.

Even being slightly off the center of some chargers can lead to intermittent charging and alignment issues. Visually inspect to confirm full surface contact.

4. Charger or Device Overheating

Excessive heat generation is another potential cause of wireless charging problems. Here is what to monitor:

  • Make sure your Samsung device or charger doesn’t overheat during charging. They should remain cool or moderately warm to the touch.
  • Avoid using your device intensively with power-hungry apps while wirelessly charging. This can lead to overheating.
  • Don’t charge your device under thick covers or in excessively hot ambient temperatures which can trap heat.
  • Charging stops if high temperatures are detected as a safety precaution. Let units cool off if this occurs.
  • Defective, damaged, or low quality chargers may overheat easily.

Consistently high heat during charging can indicate a defective charger or other problem and should not be ignored. Allow units to cool before resuming charging as needed.

5. Software or Settings Problems

Issues with your device software or charging settings can also prevent wireless charging:

  • On your Samsung device, make sure the wireless/inductive charging option is enabled in Settings > Battery > More battery settings.
  • The latest software and firmware updates may be required for proper charger functionality.
  • Reset any battery optimizer or battery saver type features which could disrupt wireless charging.
  • Check that any wireless charging mode toggles/settings are configured correctly on your device.
  • Turn off then restart your device and charger to reset any software glitches.

Simple software resets, option toggles or app uninstalls can sometimes resolve quirky wireless charging problems if no hardware issue exists.

6. Weak Signal Reception

In some cases, environmental factors can weaken the transmission signal between the wireless charger and your device:

  • Avoid using chargers on metal surfaces which can interfere with inductive signals.
  • Position chargers away from electronics like TVs that emit electromagnetic interference.
  • Charging won’t work if metal objects come between the charger and device.
  • Chargers may underperform in extremely cold conditions due to battery chemistry changes.

Check your surroundings for any electromagnetic interferences reducing transmission strength. Even your hand or body being between the charger and device can weaken the signal.

By reviewing these common wireless charging problems and solutions, you can troubleshoot why your Samsung wireless charger may not be working correctly. Simple steps like keeping contacts clean, proper device positioning, and software resets can often get wireless charging functioning again.

7. Issues with Battery Health

The condition and age of your Samsung device’s battery can also impact wireless charging effectiveness. Here’s what to look at:

  • Older batteries may not accept a wireless charge as efficiently due to battery degradation.
  • Batteries that have been exposed to high heat or moisture damage may not charge wirelessly properly.
  • Damaged or swollen batteries that are malfunctioning will need to be replaced.
  • Low battery charge levels below 5% may not receive enough induction power to start charging.
  • Try charging with a cable instead to identify if battery issues are preventing wireless charging.

While wireless charging works for most batteries, very old or damaged units may need to be assessed and possibly replaced if they cannot hold an inductive charge.

8. Problems with Charging Coils

Faulty charging coils in either the wireless charger or your Samsung device can prevent induction charging. Here are some coil checks to make:

  • Inspect charger and device coils for any signs of damage that may sever coil wiring.
  • Coils that have been exposed to moisture or corrosion may need replacement.
  • Charging coils can become dislodged if there is impact or drop damage.
  • Accumulation of small metal fragments around coils can cause signal interference.
  • Chargers with loose coil fittings may need repair to restore tight and aligned positioning.

Diagnosing bad charging coils will usually require manufacturer authorized service. Most charging coils are not designed to be serviced by users directly. Contact Samsung support if coil issues are confirmed.

9. Problems with Power Supply

For the wireless charger and your Samsung device to operate correctly, a consistent power supply is needed. Here are some power related issues to check:

  • Make sure the wireless charger is connected to a functioning wall outlet, USB port, or 12V DC power source as applicable.
  • Faulty, frayed or improperly connected charger cables will cause power problems.
  • Chargers must be connected to 2A minimum power sources for proper performance.
  • Intermittent power fluctuations and outages can disrupt charging.
  • Using under-rated cables, outlets, or wires may lead to insufficient current.

Check that all power connections, wiring, and components are working optimally to deliver adequate and consistent current during wireless charging sessions.

10. Issues with Charging Speed

If your Samsung device charges wirelessly but at a very slow rate, several factors could be at play:

  • Older wireless chargers may only support lower 5W or 7.5W output rates.
  • Loose device positioning can lead to reduced power transfer efficiency.
  • Excessive ambient temperatures and overheating can throttle wireless charging speeds.
  • Enabling Fast Wireless Charging in your device settings is needed for 10W+ charging rates.
  • Not all Samsung devices support the fastest 15W wireless charging standard.

Ensure you are using a high speed charger rated for Fast Wireless Charging and that this feature is enabled on compatible Samsung phones and tablets for faster charging performance.

11. Third-Party Accessories Causing Issues

Using some third party accessories with your Samsung device while wirelessly charging can disrupt functionality:

  • Avoid metal phone cases and accessories that may block inductive signals.
  • Magnetic mounts and accessories can interfere with charging coils.
  • Check cases and screen protectors are not constructed using metallic materials.
  • Inspect any device covers to ensure they do not obstruct wireless charging areas.
  • Phone rings and finger mounts can contain small magnets or metals that interfere.

Carefully inspect any third party accessories such as cases, covers, screen protectors and phone mounts to make sure they do not contain materials that hamper wireless charging. Use Samsung branded accessories whenever possible.

12. Software Bugs Causing Wireless Charging Problems

Problems with your Samsung device’s operating system software can also manifest as wireless charging issues:

  • Outdated or buggy OS versions may disrupt wireless charging drivers and apps.
  • Glitches with Samsung’s battery and power management software can prevent charging.
  • Problems with Android OS updates have been known to affect wireless charging.
  • Uninstall any apps that may interfere with charging like rogue battery savers.
  • Report suspected OS software bugs to Samsung for investigation if charging problems persist.

Fully updating your Samsung device’s operating system and apps is recommended. Check Samsung and Android development forums for any confirmed bugs that may explain wireless charging problems you experience.

13. Charging Problems from Bends or Warps

Physical deformations of your Samsung device could potentially inhibit effective wireless charging:

  • Avoid charging devices that are bent or warped which may not make full contact.
  • Heavily damaged device casings can warp coils and misalign charging areas.
  • Drops or impacts that bend your device can move or damage internal charging coils.
  • Warped devices may rock or spin when placed on wireless chargers.
  • Inspect devices for any signs of physical damage, bends or deformation.

While rare, significant device bends and warping creates physical gaps or misalignments that hinder wireless charging performance until corrected. Check for any evidence of structural damage or unevenness.

14. Intermittent Charging Connectivity

If your Samsung device charges wirelessly but keeps intermittently stopping and starting, try these connectivity troubleshooting steps:

  • Reposition the device directly in the charger sweet spot to improve coil alignment.
  • Clean charger and device contacts to remove any oil, moisture or debris.
  • Ensure no objects or hands are unintentionally disrupting the charging signal.
  • Check for loose charger USB cables or power cords.
  • Keep devices away from heat, direct sunlight or vents during charging.

Frequent wireless charging dropouts point to connection problems between charging coils typically from positioning, foreign objects or overheating issues. Permanently resolve these root causes.

15. Problems from Non-Samsung Wall Adapters

Using wall plug adapters from other device manufacturers can potentially limit Samsung wireless charging speeds and reliability:

  • Use official Samsung wall adapters for optimal speed and performance.
  • Third party adapters may not deliver adequate power to the wireless charger.
  • Adapters that do not have the USB-IF certification may not work reliably.
  • Avoid daisy chaining power strips or extension cords which can affect power quality.
  • If using a third party adapter, ensure it is properly rated and delivers sufficient, steady current.

For best Samsung wireless charging results, stick with official Samsung wall plug adapters and power sources designed specifically for your models.

16. Nearby Magnets Interfering with Charging

Magnets and magnetic fields in proximity to wireless chargers can interfere with proper operation:

  • Keep chargers clear of magnetic mounts, cases or accessories.
  • Avoid placing chargers near appliances that generate magnetic or electromagnetic interference.
  • Charging may stop if a magnet passes between your device and the charger.
  • Large speakers with powerful magnets can reduce charging strength if too close.
  • Metallic stickers, pop sockets or credit cards can also disrupt magnetic induction fields.

Scan for magnets, speakers or electronics nearby that could be interfering with wireless charging. Keep chargers isolated from other magnetic sources for maximum effectiveness.

17. Moisture Causing Charging Malfunctions

Exposing your wireless charger or Samsung device to liquids or humidity can hinder normal operation:

  • Never charge devices near sinks, bathtubs or pools where water exposure is high.
  • Avoid using chargers outdoors during rain or snow conditions.
  • Dry any moisture or spills on the charger surface before charging.
  • Don’t use chargers in extremely humid environments like saunas.
  • Inspect charger and device for water damage or corrosion if malfunctioning.

Water exposure can damage internal charging components leading to safety hazards and malfunctions. Keep chargers isolated from liquids, steam and extremely humid conditions.

18. Blocked Air Vents Causing Overheating

Proper air ventilation is important when wirelessly charging Samsung devices. Here are some airflow checks:

  • Don’t block wireless charger side vents or fan openings that dissipate heat.
  • Avoid placing chargers in tightly enclosed spaces that trap heat.
  • Don’t stack objects on top of chargers that could block airflow.
  • Make sure vents on the phone or tablet are unobstructed during charging.
  • Remove thick or multilayered cases that trap heat around devices.

Monitor your wireless charger and Samsung device to ensure they remain cool during charging and do not overheat from blocked ventilation ports or tightly confined spaces.

19. Charging Coil Alignment Problems

If wireless charging coils inside the device and charger are misaligned, poor power transfer will result:

  • Ensure no foreign objects are obstructing or shifting coil position.
  • Charging coils may become misaligned if device cases are too thick.
  • Improper handling and drops can potentially dislodge internal charging coils.
  • Check for any loose parts or degraded adhesive holding coils in place.
  • Inspect for damage to coil wiring or connector pins.

Coils must remain precisely overlayed for optimal wireless charging. Damage, drops, or thick cases can shift internal coil positions and reduce effectiveness.

20. Problems from Unapproved Charger Firmware

Issues can arise if incorrect firmware is loaded onto the wireless charger:

  • Do not attempt to install unapproved third-party firmware on your Samsung charger.
  • Only update charger firmware using official Samsung update procedures.
  • Unofficial firmware may disable safety protections and performance limits.
  • Contact Samsung support if you believe the charger has incorrect firmware installed.
  • A hard reset may be required to restore factory charger firmware.

Samsung wireless chargers are designed to work safely using proprietary firmware. Attempting to install unapproved firmware can lead to abnormal function or failures.

21. Strong Electrical Interference

External energy fields produced by nearby appliances may disrupt wireless charging:

  • Avoid placing chargers too close to microwaves, routers, radios or TVs.
  • Charging can be impacted if induction cooktops are active nearby.
  • Arc welding equipment and high-power machinery pose electromagnetic interference risks.
  • Fluorescent lights, AC motors and power inverters also generate interference.
  • Bluetooth devices, headsets and speakers broadcasting at high power can cause electrical noise.

Check your surroundings for electronics, appliances and equipment emitting electromagnetic fields that could overwhelm the induction charging signal at close range. Increase charger distance from suspected interference sources.

22. Unapproved Wireless Charging Mats

Not all wireless charging pads or mats may work properly with Samsung devices:

  • Only use wireless mats and stands officially approved by Samsung for compatibility.
  • Universal mats may not align charging coils correctly for Samsung devices.
  • Thin, soft mats could allow device movement and coil shifting.
  • Avoid cheap, low quality mats that can overheat or malfunction.
  • Carefully check manufacturer ratings and reviews before purchase.

Stick with reputable charging mats and pads designed specifically to work with your Samsung model for the most reliable wireless charging experience.

23. Weak Wireless Signals

In some environments, weak Wi-Fi and cellular signals can disrupt wireless charging:

  • Avoid using wireless chargers in basements, underground garages or other areas prone to weak wireless signals.
  • Charging issues arise if devices continually hunt for cellular signals.
  • Outdoor use outside Wi-Fi range can also interrupt wireless charging.
  • Try moving the charger closer to wireless routers for better connectivity.
  • Turn off wireless radios if continual weak signals are impacting charging.

Samsung wireless charging functions best when your device has a strong, steady Wi-Fi and cellular connection. Relocate chargers as needed to improve signal reception.

24. Damaged or Worn-Out Charging Port

Over time, frequently plugging and unplugging cables can wear out charging ports:

  • Inspect device charging ports for any damage, corrosion or bent pins.
  • Avoid using excessive force when connecting or disconnecting charging cables.
  • Consider wireless charging to reduce stress on the charging port.
  • Ensure no debris is packed into the charging port.
  • Contact Samsung for repairs if charging ports are loose, won’t hold cables or show severe wear.

While uncommon, damaged and worn charging ports may need to be repaired or replaced if they can no longer hold charging cables firmly.

25. Samsung Device Model Not Optimized or Does not Support for Wireless Charging

Not all Samsung devices fully support wireless charging functions:

  • Older Samsung models may lack wireless charging capability entirely.
  • Review your device manual to confirm if wireless charging is supported.
  • Entry-level and budget Samsung phones often omit wireless charging features.
  • Tablets may only support slower 5W wireless charging rates even if capable.
  • Wireless charging support varies greatly across the Samsung Galaxy series.

Ensure you purchase a Samsung device model that specifically advertises compatible wireless and fast wireless charging support for the best experience.

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